Coping with Cushing's

Cushing's disease, diabetes, insulin, canine diabetes, chihuahua, Hayley dog,
Since Hayley's diagnosis, it has been very difficult to control her blood sugar levels. Although her vet, Dr. Beverly, has been diligent about Hayley’s course of treatment and implementation of her daily insulin, her blood sugar remains high despite us having increased her insulin doses.
Dr. Beverly informed me that since Hayley’s diabetes was so challenging to control, she likely had an underlying problem—and testing revealed that the problem is Cushing’s disease. Cushing’s disease is an adrenal-dependent or pituitary-dependent tumor that causes excess production of the hormone cortisol, along with a host of symptoms including increased thirst and urination, pot-bellied abdomen, skin moles, infections or flakiness, thin skin and loss of fur. 
Hayley’s Cushing’s case is pituitary dependent. She has gone on a daily medication that should eventually help control her diabetes. Just a few days ago, she began displaying symptoms of a urinary infection—a common effect of diabetes—and was given antibiotics.
Our little Hayley is having a tough time. There has scarcely been a week that we haven’t been to the vet. Yet through it all, if you saw her, you might never know she was sick. She is eating (voraciously), running around, spunky, happy—just like her old self. Her high spirits have helped our family absorb her diagnosis. She is the sweetest little thing, this little girl who came from an abusive past. She happily endures her insulin shots and pills.
I’m learning so much about Cushing’s disease and how common it is in certain breeds of older dogs. Our veterinarian has been so informative, patient and helpful over these past few months. He calls with Hayley’s test results and explains everything in detail, always willing to listen and answer questions. 
Hayley has a team of people pulling for her—and I think she feels our support.
Originally published on ASPCA Parents.

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