With Earth Day approaching again, it’s time to reconsider and revamp your green practices. As a proud pet parent, you may be wondering how you can get your furry friend involved in supporting the environment.
In honor of Earth Day, Dr. Carol Osborne, DVM, shares her best tips with us:
The Scoop on Poop- Use biodegradable bags when
cleaning up after your dog. A regular plastic bag can take decades to
decompose; whereas a biodegradable bag will begin to breakdown in just a couple
of months. For cats, consider using an environmentally friendly litter such as
one that is plant based or made from recycled newspaper.
Feeding Close to Nature- Dr. Carol is a major
advocate of feeding your pet an organic, home-cooked meal. All natural meals
benefit your pet’s health in exactly the same way that it benefits yours. The
environment and your pet’s health will benefit from cutting out kibble all
together. A homemade diet decreases personal cost, wasteful production of
packaging materials and harmful chemical processing, while increasing your
pet’s overall nutrition and the environment’s well-being.
Water Conservation- Instead of letting the water run
during bath-time, consider purchasing a handheld attachment that you can turn
off when not in use. This will reduce the amount of water being used. Using
warm water, as opposed to hot, saves energy, and using phosphate/chemical-free
grooming products can make the dirty water going down the drain more
environmentally friendly.
Spay and Neuter- Pet overpopulation is a major
problem for the environment on numerous levels. Always consider adoption first.
Because of pet overpopulation, resources are tremendously strained to care for
all of the pets both inside and out of shelters (feeding, medical care, waste
management, etc.) and to handle the alarming number of pets who must be
euthanized on a daily basis.