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The Potty Training Puppy Apartment: An Innovative, Modern Training System That Works!

Anyone who has ever had a dog knows that the most critical time of a puppy's life is potty training. How well you potty train your puppy will set the tone for your dog's lifetime potty habits...and if not done properly, can result in a stressful (and messy) existence for you both.

I am a huge believer in crate training. When I adopted my pup, Django, we started her on crate training immediately. She was 8 weeks old and just forming habits. She trained quite fast. In those first few days, I would never let her roam around freely unsupervised, and I put her out in our yard countless times a day. When I couldn't watch her, I would put her in her crate many times a day for short periods of time which worked incredibly well because puppies sleep so much.

Every single time, I took her out, I carried her to the yard before letting her walk around in the house. Like most all dogs, she would not have accidents in the bed she slept in. For her it was great (except those times I know she had to go and was rushing home to let her out) and I'm glad I did it because while she did have a couple of accidents in those early days, she has never had in accident in the house since being trained almost 7 years ago.

But, I have to admit the toll it took on me was consuming. For weeks, I was barely sleeping, always on alert to hear if she was up and need to go out. I put her out every morning at 5:30 am. To top it off, it was November and it was brutally cold. I liken that time to getting up at night with a new baby. Yes, it had to be done, but it was truly exhausting. I was just lucky enough to work from my home office. I wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise. I was also taking a risk by going against my vet's advice of keeping her indoors completely until she had all her shots. So I let her out in the cleanest part of my concrete yard for just a few minutes until she did her business, hurrying her along, in the cold, often in the dark, 10-12 times a day!

So when I saw the Potty Training Puppy Apartment®, I just wondered why this had not been invented sooner. This indoor puppy potty training solution (look for a special discount code below!) has already successfully trained over 50,000 dogs, and many in as little as three days! It looks like a crate but, in fact, is a one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment for your puppy. An adjustable room divider creates a cozy bedroom for your puppy to sleep and a bathroom just outside to relieve him/herself on puppy training pads. So the puppy can sleep, get up at 3 am, urinate in the bathroom section, and cross over the room divider to go right back to sleep in their bed...without disturbing you.

In addition, there are three exit doors so the puppy can enter and exit from the front or side depending on where you place the apartment in your home. The adjustable room divider can be moved when your puppy outgrows his/her bedroom. The Puppy Apartment is available in various sizes, ranging from XSmall to XXXLarge. It also comes with a free instructional DVD which teaches customers who to train their pup in just three days.

On the other end, this product is also very good for elderly dogs who can no longer make the potty trip outside. My Hayley, who already has health challenges and is blind, recently turned 13. While I don't like to think about her getting any older or more incapacitated, knowing a product like this exists give me a great peace of mind.

To get a full appreciation of the Potty Training Puppy Apartment, watch their world famous puppy training video (which has almost 8 million views!):

Use the coupon code DOG11 to receive a 5% discount!!


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