Hayley's Home!

In a true miracle, Hayley was discharged from the hospital just a few few hours before Easter Sunday. Her recovery astounds me.

When we left her there on Wednesday morning, she was limp, listless and couldn't even pick up her head. She was not the Hayley we know in any way. Dehydrated and unable to stand up, her prognosis was not good.

So when multiple vets warned us that this could go south really fast, we knew that the pancreatitis (which was scored as moderate to severe) just might be the thing that took Hayley from us. 

It was a pretty somber few days, as we waited to each update from the hospital. They called us every morning after rounds and every night to tell us how her day was going. We were told she was going to have an IV fluids, and a glucose drip, and of course we knew she's be given various blood tests and medical tests including a few ultrasounds. However, when we visited her, it was a little jarring to see her with all the tubes and bandage, especially the medical tape around her neck holding her IV catheter in place.

Still, she was so thrilled when we visited her. She can't see but she knew immediately that we were there, wagging her tail non-stop, and making her way to each of us circling her around the exam table.  We couldn't believe how much better she was in a matter of days but she had to stay for another day or two. It was hard to say goodbye, but we knew she was in good hands.

The next morning, the good folks at VERG texted me a message, "Good morning from Hayley and VERG South!" and they sent this cute photo:

Now at home, she is on heavy duty meds, including oral, injectable, and a pain patch but she is out of the woods and so happy to be home. 

Thank you for all the prayers that came in for Hayley. I truly believe they helped this spunky senior lady recover as quickly as she did. She is the role model for resiliency.

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